One of my favorite Fall and Winter activities is making my homemade Ginger-Turmeric Tea and snuggling on the couch with my dog and a nerdy health book. Ginger and Turmeric; two very powerful healing roots. Together they are known to help with digestion, anti-inflammatory related issues, blood sugar levels, and so much more. The research is endless on these two roots. The reason I like it? When I drink this earthy tonic I know the cells in my body use every nutrient for my best interest; from immune-boosting properties to cell oxidation all of which keep me alert, healthy, and active. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Ginger Turmeric Concentrate 1 finger Ginger 1 finger Turmeric 1 Cup water Peel both roots and cut into medium-thick slices. Add to water and bring to a boil. Let boil for 1 minute and turn off the heat. Let seep overnight. In the morning, strain and place liquid in a jar in the refrigerator. To make one cup of tea Add 1 – 2 Tbls of concentrate into a mug. Add hot water. As you sip on this tincture, close your eyes and listen to your body thanking you.
AuthorHey, I'm Kelly and I will be compiling some recipes for the good of the Co-op. Archives
November 2019